In addition to lifting concrete, ACCULIFT services include stabilizing concrete and deep foam injection for residential, commercial and municipalities are just to name a few.
Concrete lifting is a cost-effective and cleaner alternative to replacing concrete that is sinking or has settled. We lift concrete back to the original condition and help prevent future damage from settling. Saving customers time and money as a result. ACCULIFT specializes in stabilizing, lifting and repairing driveways, garage floors, sidewalks, patios, porches, pool decks and more.

Driveway Lifting & Stabilization Services
Uneven, cracking or sinking driveways may present safety issues and look unappealing. ACCULIFT repairs driveways by raising and stabilizing to fix problems before they become worse.

Sidewalk Lifting & Stabilization Services
Uneven sidewalks are trip hazards presenting safety issues. ACCULIFT repairs uneven sidewalks caused by soil erosion, tree roots or natural settling over time. Concrete lifting will reduce property owner liabilities in trips and fall accidents.

Porch, Patio & Step Lifting and Stabilization Services
Soil underneath porches and patios may settle and crack over time because part of the concrete may be supported by soil while other areas are not. ACCULIFT can help prevent future damage by filling and stabilizing the area under the concrete thereby preventing future settling.

Pool Deck Lifting & Stabilization Services
Uneven and sinking pool decks are a trip hazard, look unappealing, and pose a major safety risk around pools. Base soil might have settled under the concrete, ACCULIFT will stabilize, lift, and level pool deck back to the original condition creating a safer walking surface.

Foundation Wall & Basement Stabilization & Repair Services
Cracks in foundation walls and basements are a sign soils have shifted which cause risk to the foundation and most likely surrounding areas and interior floors are cracking or sinking. ACCULIFT can assess the situation and provide repair options.

Seawall Stabilization Repair Services
When seawall barriers dry out, rot or deteriorate – soil washes out underneath the barrier causing nearby parking lots, decks or patios to sag and settle. In addition, the erosion can cause loss of rip rap affecting the natural environment. ACCULIFT stabilizes the soil around seawalls to support foundations and prevent further soil erosion. Stabilizing the soil beneath rip rap prevents erosion and silt from polluting our waterways.
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Deep Foam Injection Service
Deep foam injection is a technique that addresses deeper soil failures that standard concrete lifting is unable to reach. It utilizes the same process and equipment as standard concrete lifting but what’s different is we use specifically designed pipe systems to drive deeper depths than the traditional concrete lift. As a result ACCULIFT injects and applies foam to over burdened soils where needed.
ACCULIFT will determine if your project requires this additional support to your standard concrete lifting.

Deep foam injection is a nonintrusive way to repair a problem deep below the surface. Deep foam injection can be accomplished without heavy equipment or excavation. Concrete slabs and structures are designed with specific load bearing capacities. When there are inconsistencies in support, failures may occur. Deep foam injection is used when a stronger foundation is required to support footers, slabs, and structures that have settled. Deep foam injection increases the load bearing capacity of the sub-grade, while binding loose soils. The foam does not change shape or absorb water and expands into the weak soils binding the soil and making it solid.
ACCULIFT may recommend deep foam injection on any type of project and will discuss with customers when it is necessary upgrade to standard concrete lifting.
Pool Areas: Deep foam injection is often used for pool areas where erosion around the pool has occurred over time from over-saturated soils or improper drainage design. Supporting soils and fill can erode leaving pools and pool decks without the necessary support when drainage is not optimal.
Raised Porches & Steps: Erosion and voids are commonly found on raised porches and under steps where construction & building practices inadequately fill and compact the structure. Deep foam injection will stabilize the base structure that elevated porches are
Sea Walls: Soil behind a sea walls erodes causing surrounding areas to be compromised. This includes structures like docks, decks, and driveways to fail creating costly repairs. When there are inconsistencies in support, failures may occur. ACCULIFT utilizes special equipment to stabilize the soil deep underground to support the sea wall barrier and prevent further erosion and soil loss.